Here's just one of the details no other E‑Flyer service provides – an hourly chart of your verified email opens:
Did you know? Some cheaper alternatives (such as ZipYourFlyer) refuse to disclose your verified email open rate. See for yourself the fine print and disclaimers they've used to obfuscate their customers' email performance - click here.
You and your clients deserve better. When you PAY for email marketing make sure you get your actual EMAIL opens data, and an industry-leading guarantee!
Our incredibly detailed reports include your:
We report how many unique recipients viewed your flyer via email and web. And how many agents viewed it using mobile devices vs. computers. And how many impressions you get from unbranded copies (a powerful feature that encourages agents to share your flyer with their clients).
By the way, did you notice the 18% email open rate for that California eflyer above?
“ His exact words when he saw [my other clients'] detailed delivery report was “your marketing is head and shoulders above the status quo,” then he gave me the listing. A nice return on my MondoFlyers investment! Larry L., REALTOR®
At no extra cost, you also get to show your client another great example of how you are actively marketing their property!
(Note: We send the report link to you, so you can decide whether to forward it to your client.)
From coast-to-coast, agents have reported that they win new listings by showing prospects an example of extra marketing that other agents don't do. That's why the MondoFlyers Power Marketing Toolkit that comes with every eflyer includes a printable version of the client report.
Competitive comparison information on our website is presented in good faith and believed to be up-to-date and accurate and based upon their then-current marketing materials. If you notice any errors or out-of-date statements please email our support address to let us know. and its derivatives are a registered trademark of ZYF Marketing LLC, which is not affiliated with our service.